Health & Wellness
The health of our students is important. The district web page offers information that may be helpful to your family. This includes health requirements, forms for student health conditions, lice policy, and general protocols for anaphylactic reaction.
If your child is exhibiting signs of illness such as a runny nose, cough, nausea, or headache, please do not send him/her to school. Students who have had a fever, have vomited, or have diarrhea must wait 24 hours and be symptom free before returning to school.
Absences must be reported to the main office by the parent/guardian.
Project Cornerstone
El Carmelo partners with Project Cornerstone (A YMCA of Silicon Valley initiative) to empower all members of the school community-students, parents and caregivers, teachers and staff-to reduce bullying, promote achievement and help all students feel valued and respected.
This Social Emotional Learning program utilizes parent volunteers as partners in the classroom to help build students' life skills (such as empathy, confidence, responsibility) to create a more positive and caring school climate.
Here are the books that will be used this year for grades 1st-5th and Kindergarten.
Developmental Assets
Developmental assets are the positive values, relationships, skills and experiences that help children thrive. Young people with high asset levels are most likely to make healthy choices, while those with lower asset levels are more likely to get involved with negative or risky behaviors like violence, trouble in school and more.
Asset Building Champions (ABC) Program
In this literature-based program, El Carmelo parent volunteers read specially selected books in the classroom and lead discussions and activities about important issues like respect, tolerance, honesty, peaceful conflict resolution, taking a stand against bullying behaviors and refusing to participate in gossip. Classroom teachers reinforce the strategies taught in these lessons throughout the school day and school year.
CASSY Counseling
El Carmelo is fortunate to offer school based counseling services through Counseling And Support Services for Youth (CASSY) five days per week. For more information, please contact your child's teacher or Principal Reynolds.